If you need 1,000 dollars fast, a simple solution is to search online for legit personal loans with easy approval. There are now many reputable short term lenders on the Internet that can give you an emergency loan where you agree to pay back on your next payday. So how do these loan companies work? Most online lenders can help you as long as you are not looking to borrow a lot of money, but some provide only up to $1000 dollars unsecured. If you need a real $1000 loan for an urgent emergency matter, it really depends on your ability to pay back the money. On the application form for online short term loans, you have to indicate your full time job status and monthly income, or whether you are receiving government assistance. It should be noted that some legit loan lenders for poor credit score will need borrowers to have at least $1000 income per month. Other lenders will also accept alternative income from pension, alimony, child support, medical benefits, etc. The cost of borrowi...